Importance of Sports for School-Going Children

If you're a parent, then you've probably heard the laments of your kids on why they don't have time to go out and play sports. What every person in this world would like is to follow their heart and not be pulled back by outside influences, so it's no surprise that sports are so important for young people and adults alike.

In a country like India, where sporting events and such global phenomena get a lot of attention, we often forget that sports are something as essential to everyday life as water. It is a way of life; an opportunity to bond with peers and share their happiness when they win. Sports teach children about teamwork, respect for each other, discipline, and self-control. Hence, some of the top CBSE girls’ schools in Kolkata have made sports a compulsory part of the curriculum. In this blog, we elaborate on the different ways in which sports can benefit your child. Happy reading.

Regular sports help keep your children healthy and fit

It is important to keep your children physically fit. Regular exercise helps them build good habits, gives them the confidence to participate in sports, and helps them to become more sociable.

Regular sports help keep your children healthy and fit. Children who are active are less likely to develop health problems later in life than those who spend much of their time sitting still or playing video games. It is even more critical in today’s time when technology-driven education in Kolkata has increased screen time for kids considerably.

Sports help build an individual's overall personality

Sports help build an individual's overall personality and self-esteem, making them more confident and comfortable in their own skin. They also help develop physical fitness, endurance, and strength, which are important for any young person.

Sports also teach teamwork, communication skills, and leadership skills. These qualities are essential to students who want to succeed in the real world after graduation.

Sports teach children self-discipline and time-management

Sports teach children self-discipline and time management. This is a very important thing for school-going children to learn, as they need to be able to handle their studies and other activities with proper prioritization. It also helps them to understand the value of money and how to spend it wisely. Sports help in building confidence in children as well, as they see them improve with every passing day. They are aware that they can do things that were once considered impossible for them before. It is, therefore, a part of the curriculum at some of the top CBSE girls’ schools in Kolkata.

Sports strengthen relationships between peers

Sports are a great way to strengthen relationships between peers. It also helps children learn to work together, share resources, and be accountable for their actions. Sports also teach children about teamwork, respect, and self-discipline.


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